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claChristian Law Association has served Bible believing churches and Christians since 1999, assisting those who have encountered legal difficulty for practicing the Biblical faith.

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Worth Tax and Financial Service is a unique tax preparation service specializing in preparing tax returns for ministers. Tax related information available online.

Video Teaching Resources

imagesBluefish TV is a non-profit ministry creates video resource material for youth ministries, adult discipleship, sermon and teaching illustrations, and marriage and parenting classes.

Book Resources

To God’s Heart: The Psalms for Today. In To God’s Heart, veteran FG pastor and educator Dr. Robert R. Seyda pours out his years of study and long standing love for the Psalms to help those who desire to understand some of the finest poetry ever-written in order to apply it to today’s Christian walk. “To God’s Heart” is available in ebook edition (that can be read on iPads, Kindles, computers, and to most e-tablets and smartphones) and in paperback. It’s great for devotional as well as homiletic study and will be a valuable addition to any minister’s library. 

Available as a set or collect as individual volumes! Click here to order (ebooks or paperback) from Amazon.

Heaven 3.0 by Michael Matthews: As pastor, educator, missionary and chairman of the church fellowship of Full Gospel Assemblies, I have heard and preached many sermons relative to Heaven. It is the desire of my heart to see the heavens open up and rain down salvation and righteousness as described in Isaiah 45:8. The metaphoric approach that Michael Mathews uses to illustrate Heaven, reinforces the sense that, the people of God are called to keep their mind stayed upon the Lord. As we seek the salvation and the righteousness of the Lord, we aught to be expecting with confidence to witness a showering of His promised touch from the Heavens. Click here for more information and ordering.

A Servant by Sharlene EhmA Servant is about the dramatic change in Rev. Art Ehm’s life that took place when he left all behind to fully serve the Lord.  To follow his example, will take us on an equally exciting, interesting and challenging journey into new horizons in our own lives.  Click here for more information and ordering.

Challenges of an Adventure Seeker by Shirley Thomas: is the story of one woman’s courageous journey from an abusive childhood to finding the unconditional love of Christ. Join her as Shirley recounts the struggles of her upbringing, learning the gift of forgiveness, and how to love the unlovable. Author Shirley Thomas is a licensed minister through Full Gospel Assemblies and has served as the youth director for her church, Trinity Bible Fellowship, for the past seven years. Click here for more information and ordering.

Adoption Is For A Lifetime by Nancy McCullough –  Rev. Nancy McCullogh was Canada’s first foreign adoptee. She shares her fascinating story of how God orchestrated her adoption from Hong Kong, blessed her with wonderful parents, a loving husband, and in His faithfulness and healing presence, brought them through every struggle, especially the loss of their first daughter, Rebecca Joy. Despite the grief, Nancy shares how God turned their pain into joy and sorrow into victory. From what may have seemed like a tragedy to most, Nancy and her husband, Paul, now see how God used this great trial to prepare their hearts for the adoption of Joylin (5), their first precious daughter and their second, Saralin (1). Take a journey with Nancy, as she testifies of the abiding presence of our heavenly Father’s heart for adoption. Rev. Nancy McCullough was a community minister licensed with FGA.  Click here for more information and ordering.

Forgetta ’bout It: From Mafia to Ministry by Rocco Morreli: A gangster turned into a pastor? When God gets hold of a Mafia member, life on the streets gets very interesting. Unlike most mob stories that end in tragedy, the dramatic life story of Rocco Morelli is a testimony of triumph, the triumph of good over evil. Former gangster, Rocco Morelli becomes a Christian who ministers to other prisioners while in jail, and upon release becomes a pastor, evangelist and businessman. The sheer power of God to transform a hardened criminal into a minister of the gospel will captivate readers of this book. Click here for more information and ordering.

The Book of Revelation by Robert Lee Drumheller. This book details the terrible events that will come upon the earth. The Book of Daniel reveals the timeline of those events. How do we know that the events in the Book of Revelation will soon come to pass? One of the pre-requisites for these events will be the apostasy of the church, and the second will be the revealing of the antichrist.
The apostasy within the church is already present and every day the spirit of antichrist is growing in the political and cultural spheres of the world. Can the trends be reversed to prevent the plagues of the Book of Revelation from coming to pass? In the Book of Daniel, the Lord declared that the events described in the Book of Revelation will certainly come to pass. How can a person escape those events that will come upon the earth? Click here for more information and ordering.

The Epistle to the Romans is undoubtedly the most scientific statement of the divine plan for the redemption of humankind that God was pleased to give us. Apart altogether from the question of inspiration we may think of it as a treatise of transcendent, intellectual power, putting to shame the most brilliant philosophies ever conceived by the minds of men.

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Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians. In this commentary, all resources quoted or alluded to are for the reader’s enlightenment. Every selected comment on Paul’s epistle to the Galatians, starting with the earliest disciples to the latest Bible scholars and theologians, broadens the reader’s understanding of what Paul said. Sharing what they said does not indicate that Dr. Seyda necessarily agree with everything they wrote in sharing their interpretation. It required including some who were undoubtedly opposed to Paul’s point of view.

It helps the reader be aware of what was being said at that time so they can see who among their contemporaries agreed or disputed their point of view. It is how we learn to decipher and discern those in harmony and those out of balance with traditional understanding. It will make it easier to do the same in today’s Paul’s letter’s expositions. So let the Holy Spirit be your conscience and learning guide.

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Order Paperback: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

Ministry Travel

Ministry Travel delivers discounted International travel to clients via access to special preferential ministry/humanitarian airfares and exclusive contracts combined with consolidated buying power. Air fare and travel information available to assist with your next ministry mission.